If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Importance Of African As Our Only Identity
Unity Consciousness #1790


(Part 9xc of 11)

We must stop underestimating the power of a single name for ourselves.
Africa is where we are from and African is who we are.

We can be whoever we want to be in private in our homes. Be Nigerian, be Black, be Brazilian, be Afro, be who you wanna be, be white.
However, in public we must return to the singular focus and identity of being African.

Dr Kwame Ture Converting the Unconscious to Conscious

By using a single identity – African – this will close all the doors whereby our identity can be infiltrated by our enemies. Not only will it close all doors, it will also seal all cracks and barricade all doors and windows, except the front door. Because we have to have a way to go in and out.

Now this might sound drastic, but trust me, it's necessary because the enemy is slick and full of tricks. So slick that we won't notice flies, ants, rats and roaches are all up in the house. These invaders are pieces of logic that begin to disturb the peace of harmony, unity, African identity.

This then causes people in the house to not sleep well or want to leave altogether. We can't have none of this.

The house is Africa. The house is our African Identity.
Since the front door is the only entrance and exit, we can all watch it, guard it and see the enemy coming. Whatever comes to the door that is not African. We must ask, what is your purpose. No matter what the answer is, the visitor cannot come in. Whatever part of the African the visitor wants to see must come out onto the porch and interact with the visitor. If the visitor does not respect the house, the porch or property of Africa or tries to get that part of the African to leave. That's when the well-tuned African identity steps up and helps you swiftly say goodbye to that logic which then allows you to re-enter the house uninfected and still whole.

If the enemy tries to get in through the sealed cracks or the barricaded doors and windows, it will be obvious based on the noise that begins to disturb the harmony and peace of our identity. These attempts can be easily thwarted.

Back to the front door. We all must use the front door because we have to go out into the world and be doctors, teachers, students, lawyers and so on. Each day we are always returning home to our African identity. Whenever we are out in the world and someone refers to our temporary identity as being a united group for whatever purpose, we will now be in the habit of recognizing the disharmonious sound that clashes with our spirit-soul, both individual and communal. We will know not to fall for that rhetoric because it is an okie doke and will never mean that our temporary identity transcends our African identity in the eyes, thinking and behavior of those who do not identify as African and put Africa first.

This is why we must all unite, connect and protect the African Identity. In doing so we put the world on notice that we will not be divided so easily by a name. The people united can never be defeated.

We must do this now because we know we must do it.
As we are doing this and becoming more united in our logic, the next steps will be revealed.
I know what many of us are thinking. I know it is causing doubt.
But this is only because we have underestimated the power of unity under a single identity.
Do you not know how much larger Africans are than the racist collective?
We are multiple times larger.

Be certain to understand that our largeness in number is small compared to our largeness of identity and logic.

Most of us have forgotten that a united mind-body-emotion that is then led and united and guided by spirit-soul, once again magnifies our human powers. This is so because each level of unity raises our melanin vibrations, This reaches in and awakens and unleashes ancestral power in our epigenetics. This spirit-soul also reaches out, calls out and announces I'm coming out. In doing so, many aspects of the universe conspire with us because spirit-soul in many forms seeks unity with spirit-soul in many forms. This then gives us access to our superhuman powers. All this begins with the seed of African as our identity.

In addition, if you watched the video above, you'll recognize these current tricks on our identity, many of which were discussed in the previous and earlier messages. I will repeat two of them. One is now this notion of allyship. Sounds good. Not good. It is a soft divide and infiltration tactic. Then there's exactly what Kwame said about always giving us names that still retain the word American. A recent identity to divide and confuse us is the designation “American Descendants of Slavery” (ADOS). Anyone who promotes this name or accepts it, we should label them as terminally ill.

We can be certain the racist collective did not come up with these things yesterday or recently. No, they have a long range plan that is always being updated. Be certain of this. This then again highlights the importance of African as our only identity.

I will say it again using the above example. If we allow our temporary identity, such as doctor to come before our African identity, then our logic and resources will be directed to the concerns and agenda of doctors. This then will cause disunity between the doctor and those Africans who are nurses, attendants, and who work in other capacities. Thus then we have given up our most important identity as African and replaced it with a psuedo-identity as doctor, something that can never guide the entire self back to the optimal manifestations of human beingness and beingness. Thus, our being, being in a discombobulated state of mind, leaves us vulnerable to all other groups who have a larger basis to guide their unity and to unite them.

Amos N. Wilson | Issues of Identity Crisis in the Black Community, Myth or Reality?

As a matter of clarification, all those sealed cracks and barricaded windows and doors are other identities we might have, that we don't need to overly use, until we get a completely firm grip on our African identity and we have re-achieved the optimal manifestation expression of spirit-soul through its human form.
By entering and exiting only through our African identity, we are constantly reminded of the constancy of our African identity. This helps form the reminder habit should we begin to improperly think in terms of one of our temporary identities.
When logic comes into us, it enters and is filtered through the front door of our consciousness, our African identity. Same as when information and logic comes out of us, we speak from a context informed by African identity.